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  1. forum rang 10 voda 23 november 2021 07:01
    Anti Coal Protesters Disrupt Port of Newcastle

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Two anti-coal protesters from Blockade Australia shut down coal export operations at the Port of Newcastle in New South Wales in Australia. Two activists entered the port, with one locking them to a piece of coal moving equipment while another abseiled from machinery. This is a continuation of a sustained protest movement against the port by the Blockade Australia group. Protests by the group have disrupted the port and surrounding rail infrastructure in the past two weeks, prompting police to establish a strike force to crack down on the high-profile stunts.

    The Port of Newcastle is the largest coal port in the world.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 24 november 2021 06:50
    SUEK to Export Coal in Containers via Zabaikalsk

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    TransContainer and SUEK have concluded an agreement to develop containerized coal transportation via the Zabaikalsk border crossing checkpoint in the Russian Far East. Under the agreement, TransContainer is to develop optimal value-for-money transport solutions to export SUEK’s production and offer through tariffs for transportation that will deploy the operator’s own and third parties’ rolling stock. SUEK in its turn is to provide information on the company’s export geography and monthly export volumes.

    The potential annual transportation volume will make more than 1 mn tons. In the future, the parties also intend to consider using other routes via the Zamyn-Uud and Grodekovo border crossing checkpoints.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 25 november 2021 08:16
    Bukit Asam sets 2021 coal production target at 30 million tons

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Indonesian coal miner PT Bukit Asam said it has set the target of coal production for 2021 at 30 million tonnes compared to 25.1 million tonnes in 2020. The company will gradually increase production until 2025 when the coal transport capacity of 72.5 million tonnes is fulfilled

    The production hike aligns with the increasing capacity of land transport means, including trains and Tarahan port in neighboring Lampung province, as well as other transport means, he informed.

    The company believes the production hike still corresponds to its coal deposits in one of its mining sites in Tanjungenim, South Sumatra Selatan, which are pegged at 3 billion tonnes.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 26 november 2021 07:19
    Chinese Coal Miner Jinneng Holding Pilot 5G in Mining

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Coal enterprise Jinneng Holding Group has been active accelerating 5G innovation in intelligent mining, particularly in remote roadheader control. This innovation hinges on the back of 5G networks built by China Mobile Shanxi using Huawei’s 5G solutions. Based on these networks, Jinneng optimized its operations and engineering processes to support 5G intelligent remote control of roadheaders in its Tongxin Mine. The latency is less than 100 ms with a reliability of 99.99%, making it truly possible for the mine to control the roadheaders remotely. With remote control, a single heading face requires 6 fewer workers a year and saves 500 m of photoelectric composite cables.

    5G remote roadheader control is one of several innovations coming out of the Shanxi Intelligent Mining Innovation Lab, which was formulated by Jinneng in partnership with regulatory agencies, Huawei, and Shanxi Cloud Era to drive breakthroughs in mining information networks, automation enablement, smart sensing, mining big data, and ecosystem collaboration. The heading face is core to coal mining, and the operations involved pose safety risks and take place in some of the harshest environments. But this is where 5G comes in. 5G takes workers out of these areas and improves safety. Jinneng has shown keen interest, introducing it to enable the remote control of roadheaders.

    148 5G pRRUs are deployed in the Tongxin Mine where the pilot is. The base stations are moisture-, dust-, and explosion-proof and work with a 3:2 uplink and downlink bandwidth configuration, ensuring full coverage across underground areas and the high bandwidth required by the fully mechanized mining faces and heading faces. The precision of remote equipment control is improved from 99.9% to 99.99%. The UPF of the core network is locally deployed and ‘kite-like’ networking is used to ensure high reliability, stable operations, and on-premises data processing without any interruptions even though the connection to the public network is lost. The cloud-network solution enables 5G base stations to transmit data to the ground core network, and slicing ensures high reliability and low latency for 5G services. As such, the same infrastructure can be used for many other underground applications.

    Fiber on the fully mechanized mining faces is prone to damage as the equipment moves around, and this poses a serious risk to continuous signal coverage there. To address this challenge, leaky cables are used to extend 5G signals across the fully mechanized mining faces. This delivers a high capacity and a handover-free experience while simplifying cable maintenance. This improvement also lays a solid foundation for 5G intelligent remote control applications.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 26 november 2021 08:40
    Meer dan vijftig doden bij ongeluk in Russische mijn
    Van onze redacteur 25 nov   22:27

    Door een gaslek in een Siberische kolenmijn zijn donderdag minstens 52 doden gevallen. Het is een van de ernstigste ongelukken in een Russische mijn sinds de Sovjettijd, meldt persbureau Reuters op basis van Russische media.

    De mijnwerkers stikten toen een ventilatieschacht zich vulde met gas, volgens de staatstelevisie veroorzaakt door een methaanexplosie. Op dat moment waren er ongeveer 285 mensen in de mijn aanwezig. Onder de doden zijn ook zes reddingswerkers, die waren gestuurd om de mijnwerkers te bevrijden.

    Drie mensen zouden zijn gearresteerd, onder wie de directeur van de mijn en een andere hoge functionaris. Zij worden verdacht van het overtreden van veiligheidsregels die gelden voor de industrie.

    In de Kemerovo-regio, die zo'n 3500 kilometer ten oosten van Moskou ligt, komen vaker zware ongevallen in mijnen voor. Het gebied produceert veel kolen. In 2007 vielen de meeste slachtoffers bij een mijnramp sinds de Sovjettijd, ook in diezelfde regio. Toen kwamen meer dan honderd mensen om.

    Lees het volledige artikel:
  6. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2021 07:31
    Government Measure Cool Coal Prices in China

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    In a bid to ease the energy crisis, Chinese government adopted various measures to curb the price rise which have resulted in the coal prices dropping sharply in mid-November. National Bureau of Statistics said that the prices of coking coal and coke have decreased by 19.8 per cent and 16.8 per cent, respectively. While the price of coking coal dropped to 3010.7 yuan per ton, that of coke went down to 3243.5 yuan per ton this month.

    The price of ordinary mixed coal also dropped by 7 per cent to 874.3 yuan per ton in mid-November

    This indicates that China managed to ensure a stable supply of various essential commodities despite their prices rising globally.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2021 07:31
    Listvyazhnaya Coal Mine Blast Kills 50 Miners in Kemerovo inRussia

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Rescuers have found a survivor in Listvyazhnaya coal mine in Kemerovo region in south western Siberia in Russia where 52 miners are presumed dead after a devastating methane explosion. The man found in the mine was Mr Alexander Zakovryashin. Mr Zakovryashin was conscious when rescuers found him and have been hospitalized with carbon monoxide poisoning of moderate severity

    It is not immediately clear what had caused the accident, though some Russian media reported that dust in ventilation shaft caught fire, causing the mine to fill with smoke. A total of 285 miners were in the Listvyazhnaya mine at the time of explosion that quickly filled the mine with toxic smoke. A total 239 people were rescued shortly after the blast, and more than 60 sought medical assistance for an assortment of injuries.

    The Investigative Committee, which probes major cases, opened a criminal probe into the possible violation of safety regulations that led to deaths. Senior managers at the mine in Russia's had been detained for suspected safety violations

    The mine, located some 3,500 km east of Moscow in the Kemerovo region, is owned by SDS-Ugol, a company that produces 27 million tonnes of coal annually and is part of the privately-owned Siberian Business Union.

    It appears to be the deadliest mine accident in Russia since 2010 when two methane explosions and fire killed 91 people at the Raspadskaya mine in the same Kemerovo region.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2021 07:49
    Chhattisgarh Seeks Clearance for Coal Mine in No Go Area

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Indian Express reported that despite a biodiversity report from the Wildlife Institute of India warning that the forests in Chhattisgarh’s Hasdeo Aranya Coal Field should be declared a “no-go area”, the state government is pushing for permission to start phase II of mining in the PEKB coal block, in the same area.

    The records from a meeting of the Union Environment Ministry’s Forest Advisory Committee on October 28 show the committee analysed an “instant request” for clearance filed by the state government. The FAC was discussing on diversion of forest land for PEKB coal block’s phase II spread across 1,136-hectare forests. According to the minutes of the meeting, the state forwarded an opinion of its Advocate on Record that the PEKB proposal may be considered as per law as issues related to biodiversity are being addressed in the Biodiversity Assessment Report submitted by the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Dehradun.

    On its part, the records show, the ICFRE showed the green signal for mining in “four contiguous coal blocks” in the HACF area. Tara, Parsa, PEKB and Kete extension, that are either already opened or in advanced stage of getting statutory clearances/TOR approved, can be considered for mining. But the minutes also show that the ICFRE and the state ignored several red flags raised by the WII in its own assessment, which was included as Volume II in the ICFRE’s report.

    The PEKB Parsa (East) and Kete Basan coal block is owned by Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited and run by Adani Enterprises, which is the official Mine Developer and Operator in this venture.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2021 07:50
    Imported Thermal Coal Prices to Remain Elevated - India Ratings

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    According to India Ratings and Research, imported coal prices in India could sustain at the current high levels on the back of a raft of reasons such as strong electricity demand due to strong industrial activity, winter demand, supply concerns in key exporting countries, supply chain constraints and a continued strong steel sector demand. Ind-Ra said “Ind-Ra believes the coal import prices could sustain at the current high levels due to limited downside risks with no sharp corrections likely over the current quarter. The prices shall be supported by a strong power demand, driven by robust industrial activities, winter demand, supply concerns in key exporting countries, supply chain constraints and a continued strong steel sector demand ex-China as against China curtailing steel production over 2H21.”

    Ind-Ra added “However, if the covid-19 infections resurge in China or there is a slowdown in Chinese real estate demand along with metal production cuts, the coal consumption may slow down, leading to higher availability of coal and thus, a softening of the prices.”

    This comes against the backdrop of fuel stocks at coal-fuelled power projects building up after depleting to 7.23 million tonnes on 8 October. India’s power plants burn around 1.85-1.87 million tonnes of coal every day to generate electricity. The government’s plan is to build a total coal fuel stock of 16 million tonnes by end November.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2021 17:14
    Kabinet sluit kolencentrale Rotterdam, bedrijf krijgt 212 miljoen steun
    RTL Nieuws 1 uur geleden

    De Onyx-centrale op de Tweede Maasvlakte.© ANP De Onyx-centrale op de Tweede Maasvlakte.

    Het demissionaire kabinet sluit opnieuw vervroegd een Nederlandse kolencentrale. Als de benodigde goedkeuring binnen is, moet de Onyx-centrale in Rotterdam binnen twee maanden stoppen met kolen. Het bedrijf krijgt daarvoor ruim 200 miljoen euro subsidie. Met de sluiting wordt 3 megaton CO2-uitstoot bespaard.

    Daarmee blijven er nog drie kolencentrales open in Nederland, die allemaal uiterlijk in 2030 moeten sluiten en de komende jaren hun productie moeten terugschroeven. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken had al aangekondigd dat één kolencentrale sneller zou moeten sluiten om de klimaatdoelen te halen.

    De andere drie blijven volgens demissionair staatssecretaris Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius de komende jaren wel 'nog nodig om stroom te leveren als er veel vraag naar is, bijvoorbeeld in periodes van weinig wind en zon'.

    Goedkeuring Europese Commissie
    Dat eigenaar Riverstone bereid was de Onyx-centrale vervroegd te sluiten in ruil voor een flink bedrag aan subsidie, werd vorige maand al duidelijk. De eigenaar van de centrale had 238 miljoen gevraagd en krijgt volgens Yesilgöz-Zegerius bijna het hele bedrag: maximaal 212.5 miljoen euro.

    Daarvoor moet wel nog gewacht worden op goedkeuring van de Europese Commissie. Die moet bepalen of er bij het uitkeren van het subsidiebedrag geen sprake is van ongeoorloofde staatssteun. Daarvoor mag de toegekende subsidie niet hoger zijn dan de te verwachten misgelopen inkomsten.

    Sociaal plan
    Het kabinet verwacht de Europese goedkeuring wel, omdat uit twee onafhankelijke onderzoeken zou blijken dat aan de voorwaarden is voldaan. Die onderzoeken worden echter niet openbaar.

    Daarnaast worden er door het kabinet andere voorwaarden aan het geven van de subsidie verbonden. Zo moet de centrale werknemers die mogelijk hun baan verliezen ondersteunen en een goed sociaal plan opstellen, schrijft de staatssecretaris.

    Als aan alle voorwaarden is voldaan, kan het vervolgens snel gaan: de centrale moet dan binnen twee maanden stoppen met kolen en na drie jaar helemaal ontmanteld zijn.

    'Besluit blokkeren'
    In de Tweede Kamer zijn niet alle partijen blij met het voorgenomen besluit. "De SP wil dit besluit blokkeren", twittert kamerlid Renske Leijten.

    Zij wijst erop dat eigenaar Riverstone de Rotterdamse kolencentrale samen met twee andere centrales voor 200 miljoen euro aankocht, en nu 212 miljoen krijgt voor vervroegde sluiting. "Het hedgefund wíst dat kolencentrales dicht gaan en krijgt nu maximale compensatie."

    'Snel CO2 besparen'
    GroenLinks en D66 zijn wel enthousiast. "Voor het klimaat is het belangrijk dat we snel, veel CO2 besparen", zegt GroenLinks-kamerlid Suzanne Kröger.

    "Kolencentrales gaan tot het verleden behoren en het is goed dat deze kolencentrale al dichtgaat," vindt ook Raoul Boucke van D66. "Klimaatdoelen zijn afgesproken om gehaald te worden. D66 wil niet dat de rechter eraan te pas hoeft te komen, maar dat mensen weten waar ze aan toe zijn."
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2021 07:58
    Crushing & Conveying System Starts at Pakri Barwadih Coal Mine

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    01 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Thriveni Earthmovers and client NTPC have celebrated the start-up of a new In-Pit Crushing & Conveying system and Coal Handling Plant at the 15 million tonne per year Pakri Barwadih mine in Jharkand with the system having begun trial operations. The IPCC system was supplied by Germany’s TAKRAF based on joint engineering with the mine’s own teams and includes three 1,250 tonnes per hour semi-mobile crushing stations equipped with TAKRAF sizers imported from Germany, plus a 6 km overland conveyor with horizontal and vertical curves mounted on sleepers.

    The project also includes stackers and reclaimers from TAKRAF to allow mixing of different grades of coal plus transfer points. Thriveni said the project is a first for the Indian coal mining industry and will significantly reduce the mine’s carbon footprint through reduced use of diesel-based truck haulage of coal.

    NTPC Ltd began production of coal from the Pakri Barwadih mine in 2017. The mine is operated by Thriveni Sainik Mining Pvt Ltd, a JV between Thriveni Earthmovers and Sainik Mining & Allied Services Ltd, with the joint venture having been awarded a 25 year Mine Developer cum Operator contract in September 2015.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2021 07:58
    Coal India Plans Mega CAPEX in 5 Years to Expand Operations

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    01 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Coal India Ltd said the company is aiming at investing INR 40,000-50,000 crore as capital expenditure in the next 4-5 years as INR 17,000 crore capexfor the current fiscal is on track. CIL chairman Mr Pramod Agrawal told investors “We have spent INR 7,000 crore capex so far and our INR 17,000-crore target for the current fiscal is on track. We will invest around INR 40,000-50,000 crore in the next 4-5 years.”

    Most of the incremental capex will go into coal production and evacuation.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 2 december 2021 07:24
    Shanxi Province Increases Coal Output to Mitigate Supply Crunch

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    02 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Local Media reported that Shanxi, a major coal-producing province in China, has seen the monthly output of raw coal exceed 100 million tonnes for three consecutive months by October, as all mines are producing at full capacity. In October, Shanxi produced 102.8 million tonnes of raw coal, up 5.2 percent year on year. Its annual output is expected to exceed 1.2 billion tonnes this year.

    To mitigate the recent coal supply crunch, regions across China have adopted a raft of measures to stabilize energy supply and expand coal production capacity. Increased coal output and inventories at power plants will help drive down the soaring coal prices, according to the National Development and Reform Commission earlier this month.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2021 07:06
    Coal India to Increase Coal Prices on Higher Costs

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    03 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    India’s state owned Coal India Ltd said that rising costs mean it’s inevitable that it will be forced to hike prices of supplies in long-term deals to protect profitability. CIL Chairman Mr Pramod Agrawal said “coal-price increase is something where we have to bring all stakeholders on board. That process is on. Everybody understands that we have reached a point where coal price increase has become inevitable.”

    CIL is facing pressure from high diesel prices and an increase in salaries of employees due retroactively from July. The higher costs threaten to eat into investor returns and potentially hinder its investment in mines and logistics infrastructure.

    Coal India last raised prices in 2018.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2021 08:05
    JSW Steel Consolidates Coal Operations in US

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    06 Dec, 2021, 5:21 am

    JSW Steel announced that as part of overall efforts to restructure and consolidate its US Coal operations and holding structure, the following step-down subsidiary companies of the company operating at West Virginia in USA have been merged with their respective holding companies effective December 2, 2021

    Keenan Minerals LLC, RC Minerals LLC and Peace Leasing LLC with its Holding Company Purest Energy, LLC

    Periama Handling LLC and Rolling S Augering LLC with its Holding Company Planck Holdings LLC

    Prime Coal LLC with its Holding Company Periama Holdings LLC

    The restructuring and consolidation exercise does not entail any sale of the assets & investments and JSW Steel continues to have the same economic interests in its operations in US. The turnover of all the merged entities is nil for the year ended March 31, 2021.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2021 08:25
    Seven Firms Bids for 4 Coal Blocks Auction in India

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    06 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Seven companies that have submitted bids for four coal blocks put up for sale under second attempt of auction process for 11 mines for commercial mining in India. Total seven bids were received by the ministry for four coal blocks namely Beheraband North Extn, GondbaheraUjheni East, Lalgarh (North) and Tokisud Block II. The seven firms are Auro Coal Pvt Ltd, JSW Steel, MP Natural Resources Pvt Ltd, Adhunik Power & Natural Resources, Assam Mineral Development Corp Ltd, Virtuous Mining Ltd and Twenty First Century Mining Pvt Ltd. The last date of submission of technical bid was November 29.

    The auction process for 11 coal mines under second attempt of 12th tranche of auction under the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and second attempt of 2nd tranche of auction under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 for sale of coal was launched by the coal ministry on September 27. These coal mines were also offered in the first attempt launched on March 25 this year and had fetched single bids.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 7 december 2021 07:58
    Coal India Reports Higher Production & Sale in November

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    07 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Indian state owned coal giant Coal India Limited achieved coal production of 53.8 million tonnes in month of November 2021, recording a year-on-year growth of 4.1%. Coal offtake stood higher by 10.8% at 56.8 million tonnes in November 2021 compared to 51.3 million tonnes in November 2020.

    For the period April - November 2021, coal production is up by 5.6% to 353.4 million tonnes while coal offtake has risen 17.9% to 421.1 million tonnes compared to corresponding period of previous year.

    Coal India accounts for over 80 per cent of domestic coal output. The company is eyeing one billion tonnes of production by 2023-24.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 8 december 2021 07:41
    Coal India to Improve Rail Infrastructure in Chhattisgarh & Odisha

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Coal India plans to invest INR 19,650 crore by 2023-24 to increase coal transportation capacity by 330 million tonne by constructing rail links and setting up joint ventures. A total of 14 railway infrastructure projects are being implemented to increase coal dispatches in Chhattisgarh and Odisha and to ensure that rail line capacity is adequately addressed for coal transportation up to 2025-26

    While three railway lines in Central Coalfields Ltd and Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd are being constructed by CIL at an investment of INR 7,994 crore to transport 170 million tonnes annually, the PSU has also formed joint ventures with Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha requiring an investment of INR 11,656 crore to transport 160 million tonnes of fuel every year.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2021 07:43
    Shanxi Province on Track to Produce 1.2 Billion Tonnes of Coal

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Xinhua reported that the daily coal output of Shanxi, a major producer of the black mineral in China, has touched a record of more than 3.3 million tonnes and the annual coal output is expected to cross 1.2 billion tonnes in 2021.

    Since July, the province has maintained a monthly coal output of more than 100 million tonnes to stabilize energy supply and expand coal production capacity, said Zhang Xiang, deputy director of the provincial development and reform commission, at a press conference Friday.

    A total of 104 coal mines in Shanxi have applied for increasing their production capacity this year.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2021 08:04
    Edenville Energy Update on Coal Production in November

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Edenville Energy Plc has provided an update regarding the Company’s Rukwa Coal Project in southwest Tanzania for the month of November 2021, as it continues to ramp up production.

    November 2021 highlights

    · 80% Increase in Run of Mine coal production from October 2021 level

    · 10% Increase in washed coal production from October 2021 level

    · Approximately 1,000 tonnes of washed coal sales

    · Orders of 3,600 tonnes of coal for December 2021 delivery confirmed from two largest customers

    In November 2021, the Company mined 4,026 tonnes of ROM coal versus 2,240 tonnes in October 2021, representing an 80% increase. Approximately 1,125 tonnes of washed coal was processed through the Company’s wash plant, representing an increase of 10% from the October 2021 figure of 1,024 tonnes, which had benefited from historic stockpiles. A further 18,690 tonnes of waste was also moved, opening up greater access to the coal deposit for future mining.

    November’s production would have been significantly higher had it not been for extended mechanical issues with the main excavator, which was unable to be used for mining for 15 days whilst initial repairs were made and it was subsequently used for the installation of culverts, and the clearing of drainage channels, to prepare the site for the wet season. These operations have been completed and the excavator has recommenced full mining operations. Assuming the excavator is operational throughout December 2021 the Company believes it should be able to improve substantially on November’s ROM coal production figures.

    Approximately 1,000 tonnes of washed coal was sold during November 2021, with 200 tonnes remaining in stockpile. A combined order of 3,600 tonnes of washed coal has been reconfirmed by the Company with its two largest existing clients for December 2021, with the expectation of ongoing monthly orders of circa 3,600 tonnes per month thereafter. Discussions remain ongoing with respect to additional contracts with new potential customers. Further updates will be announced as appropriate.
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